How to get Weed out of your System Fast

If you are in a jam and need to get weed out of your system fast than there are several different methods you can choose. The method you pick depends on your time frame and the security of your up and coming drug screening. So I will break down three methods starting with the classic method first

If Time is on your Side you can Use this Method to get THC out of your System Fast

Do Cardio Like Crazy and hit the dry sauna

This is the old fashioned way of getting marijuana out of your system fast and is very effective. It really depends on the amount of fat on your body for this method to be truly effective. Personally I am very lean so this method works great for me, but people with that extra love may have trouble using exercise to cleanse the system.

The reason is because THC is not a water soluble substance. THC actually stores itself in your fat cells, so the more fat cells you have the more likely traces of THC are to stay in your system. And this is why extreme exercise is the preferred method for skinny guys to clean out their system.

If you the Classic Method doesn't work for you than you are going to have to get Creative

If you can't get clean the old fashioned way than you are going to have to beat the system. There are a couple ways that work the best and I have tried all of them and succeeded. Before you go forward with this you need to find out what level of security your test will have.

Ask yourself the following questions...

Are they going to watch you pee?

and if so will they be behind you or making direct eye contact with your junk

How thorough is the actual urine analysis?

Strip test or Lab

Within the answers to these fundamental questions lies whether or not you are going to be able to pull this off. Obviously if they actually monitor the urine coming from your body than the only way to pass the test is to get clean naturally. But if they don't watch you or they stand behind you than you still have a fighting chance!

The best situation you can hope for is the strip test with some privacy and the worst that you can still get out of is being watched from behind with the lab.

Two Ways that You can Beat the System

  • Quick Fix 5.7 Synthetic Urine

  • If you are trying to pass a strip test than quick fix is perfect. It comes with a warmer also so the sample seem real if feel the cup. Make sure you don't take to long when preparing the sample you don't leave any evidence behind.

  • The Whizinator